Wednesday, June 20, 2012

One Last Shot

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Crazy Kalahari Trip

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

New Online Shop for Laptops, Computers and Scooters

Ok so now we have to do the English as well. Just to keep the search engines happy. South African readers that understand more "native" languages can just go down few posts to see the Afrikaans version where i promoted my new online store that sells computers, laptops, scooters and much more. Well the site is at and you can get some very special deals there on various techie products. If ever you wished to cut on your fuel bill, check out the scooters. Our low end laptops are ideal for high school scholars and students. We will soon be adding some very powerful games boxes as well. Watch this space or visit us at our new online store.

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Thursday, January 04, 2007

Carl van Blerk se webwerf

As jy og nie daar was nie gaan kuier bietjie by Carl op

Hy het 'n goeie stukkie werk gedoen reeds om die van Blerk familie se stamboom in te vul. Help so bietjie dat ons kan sien waar almal inpas voor ons so baie word dat dit 'n onmoontlike taak word.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Die nuwe jaar bring nuwe dinge

Nou ja so oor die kerstyd het ek darem hierdie jaar so bietjie kans gekry om te dink ... Met die gedinkery kom die idee to om 'n aanlyn winkel oop te maak. En ja sowaar vandag is ons oop vir besigheid. Die vooraad keuse is maar nog klien, maar ons werk daaraan. Besoek ons gerus by En ja as jy dink jy het produkte wat ons kan laai ... laat weet maar. Ek probeer kostes so onder 5% van die verkoop prys hou en fokus op die jong mens mark.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Eers was daar blogs, nou is daar fraps

Goeie genade. Blogs verstaan ek nog. Wat die doel van frappr is het ek g'n idee nie. Maar kyk maar - ek het my kleim afgesteek.

WENK: Sit die kaart op sattelite en zoom dan al die pad in

Always something new

You thought blogging was a good idea? Have a look at frappr. Its some sort of mapping community building social something - who knows what. Well ... just incase I created my little spot there as well. Have a look at

TIP: Switch the map to satelite view and zoom in all the way

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Harry's new site with business ideas

Are you looking for some ideas ... My friend Harry created a nice site (only in the very beginning now) sharing some ideas for making extra money. Have a look at And no he's not going to try and sell something to you or pester you with spam, just sharing his ideas.

If his does ... let me know and I will personally kick his behind.